Dear Steve and Shirley,
I'm married to a man who calls himself a preacher without a church. I call him a motivational manipulator. He goes on Facebook and says he's a prophet and sees things differently than anyone else. He said he can sense when our dog has indigestion. Everyone in our house can sense it too because we can smell it. But we humor my husband. He tries to spook our kids into not doing things that he doesn't agree with.
My daughter wants to be a major rat at her school, and my husband made up a statistic about girls not getting accepted into good schools if they had been shaking their booties in high school. The worst thing he did recently has made me ready to pack up and move out. I found out he had been talking to his ex and giving her advice on her current relationship. She was telling him things like she's lonely because her new husband goes days without talking to her, and that gives her anxiety. She said she's insecure because he hasn't had sex with her in three weeks. My sweet, manipulative hubby offered to comfort her by having sex with her to restore her confidence, and it was all in the DMs. I read it all.
Now she feels bad for cheating on her husband, but my husband is stuck on stupid. When I asked him about the cheating, he said, "The sex meant nothing to him, and it was intended to be therapeutic for her." Does he really think that, or is he hoping I'm stupid enough to allow that? Does he need to talk to someone, or is he aware of what he's doing? Can you believe this?