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Cuffing Season Is Upon Us!

It's that time of year when you catch that quick wind chill that reminds you of how single you are. Not only that, but how cold you're about to be in the upcoming winter months: Cuffing season.

There's going to be a time where competing for who's having a better summer between Hot Girls and Hot Boys is a thing of the past. You hopped from bed to bed so much, your own bed doesn't even recognize you anymore! Take this warning seriously and don't let cuffing season sneak up on you before you prepare properly.

The fellas of The Steve Harvey Morning Show told us their ideal way of spending those cold winter nights. Junior wasn't shy about letting us know flat out what requirements he needs to qualify a lady as a good cuddle buddy. Number 1: Have some meat on them bones!

Meanwhile, Nephew Tommy admitted he wasn't as restrictive with his cuffing recruitment when he was single. In fact, Fool #1 would've drafted just about anyone as long as it meant not having to see the same woman more than twice! Uncle Steve also kept it real and raw when he shut down any hope of even seeing him the next morning and how the only thing on his mind was the "hollering!"

Take a listen for yourself below: