The Strawberry Letter: I Really Love Our Mail Man

Dear Steve and Shirley,

My husband of 14 years must be losing his mind because he cheated on me once, and I took him back. So, he's got to be crazy to do it again at this stage of our lives. We got our marriage back on track after his affair, and I hadn't suspected anything else was going on until November. He started going to bed early and getting up before I did, so we couldn't have sex.

My intuition told me to keep an eye on him, and my intuition never fails. My husband is cheating again, and the woman lives in Maryland. They met at the airport when he went to see his dad in October. My husband has gone to see his dad at least six times since then because his dad has been in and out of the hospital.

I bet you want to know how I found all of this out. Well, it was our mailman that indirectly exposed him. Here's what happened: my husband used to have a PO box, and he closed it, but he forgot to forward his mail. So, it was piling up at the post office. Our sweet mailman put all of his mail in a box and brought it to our house. He said he figured my husband would want all of his mail.

I went out and sat on our front porch in my robe and slowly opened each envelope. The Maryland woman had sent a Christmas card to my husband, saying she couldn't wait for him to jingle her bells. She sent another card with a picture of her and a dog on it. There was a credit card statement with charges made only in Maryland, and there was a cell phone bill. So, I guess he has another phone.

He swears he's not seeing her anymore. Should I believe him, or should I go to Maryland with him next time? Can he be trusted? I love the mailman for doing this, but my husband wants him fired.

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