The Strawberry Letter: His Father Has To Keep It Down

Dear Steve and Shirley, I'm married to a man that can't tell his family no about anything. I met him 22 years ago at his daddy's shoe shop and we dated, fell in love and got married. I'm forever grateful to his dad because he paid my tuition for my senior year of college after my family faced a financial crisis. My dad did pay him back over time and he will forever be one of my favorite people, but I want him out of my house.

He's 72 years old and he's on his second wife. He cheated on her in March. He was relieved that he got caught so he could leave the woman. That's when he asked me and my husband if he could live with us for a while. I said no and I told him to work things out with his wife. My husband overruled me and he reminded me how his dad helped me out years ago in college. So his dad moved in.

We have a split-level house and at the front door you go upstairs for the main part of the house and you go downstairs and there's a bonus room, a bathroom and a sauna that my husband got me for Christmas. His daddy is on the bottom floor on our sleeper sofa and he's been living down there since June, doing whatever he wants to do with his girlfriend, Miss Beverly.

I have caught them naked in my sauna and I've walked in on them down there having sex on the couch. Miss Beverly likes to cook for him in my kitchen and I have to say and I have no say so in it. The worst part is all of the begging and screaming that Miss Beverly does all hours of the night. There isn't a door separating the floor so we hear them having sex constantly.

How do I get my husband to see that it's time for Papa and Miss Beverly to get their own place?

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