The Strawberry Letter: Big and Hot For The Wrong Reasons

Dear Steve and Shirley, my husband and I have been together for almost 15 years and we used to be very active sexually but it is slowed down a lot in the past two years because we've both gained a lot of weight. I've told him I don't feel sexy most of the time and I am dealing with some health issues because of the weight gain. I suggested we work out and whenever we try, he makes it sexual. He makes everything sexual. I also suggested that we finally get the king-sized bed that we've been needing for years. He loves to cuddle up under me in our queen bed and our ceiling fan in the room is broken so imagine how hot it is with two oversized people in a smaller bed. He lies there every night wanting to spoon and his hand is usually under my boobies and his naked body is pressed up against mine. I am usually drenched from head to toe several times throughout the night and he wants to be intimate when we wake up. I'm sick of it and I told him to fix the fan and get a bigger bed for us. I showed him several beds with good financing that we can go look at and he said a king bed would make it harder to cuddle and I'm already running from him in the queen bed. He's ignoring the elephant in the room, literally! He is a big man and that body heat is unbearable at night. We can't seem to get to the gym and he goes and buys junk food whenever I cook healthy meals. I still love him to death and I want him to be healthy. I'm trying and he's not! I'll give it to him every day in every way if he works on his weight with me. Granted, he's 6'3 so he's carrying the weight well, but he's wide. Since he won't agree to do anything I've asked him to, should I go against his wishes and order us a king-size bed?

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