The Strawberry Letter: Why Is He Trying To Finesse My Fineness

Dear Steve and Shirley, I've met a man that is controlling but I like him a lot. He has some great characteristics that would make him a good husband. He's 38 and I'm 37, he checks off all the boxes as far as having a promising career, his own house and he has a big loving family. He is a personal stylist for an upscale store and he has several private female clients. He said he loved my style when we met and he inspired me to get my haircut and get some highlights. The only problem I'm having with him now is that he's treating me like I'm one of his clients and it's like he's memorized my entire closet to the point where he tells me what he'd like for me to wear. When we go out, he'll suggest that I wear yellow if he is wearing yellow and he'll say what shoes I should wear with the outfit. If I don't take his suggestions, he comments on my choices when he picks me up. It's annoying and I've told him lately that I'm not one of his clients.

Then there are the problems we have at the gym, that's where we met after he came over and corrected me on using a machine improperly. Now he makes comments on what exercises I should do to get the body type that he desires. I told this boy I was fine when he met me and I don't need him to finesse my fineness, that goes for in the gym and in my closet. It would be a shame if the tables turned and I start directing him in the bedroom and telling him what kind of loving I desire. I am starting to think he sees me as one of his projects that he wants to make perfect. I'm my own person and I want to continue to get to know him but he needs to relax on all of his unwanted opinions. Is this a character flaw? Should we break up or can this be fixed?

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