The Strawberry Letter: Is There Something Better Out There

Subject: Is there something better out there?

Dear Steve and Shirley, I’m 52 years old and I’ve been dating a married man for 14 years. Our arrangement works out great and we have a condo together and we travel together. My family loves him and I love his family. Our condo is downtown and his house is in the suburbs with his wife, so I’ve never run into them together. He put me in his Will recently after he had his appendix removed and that strengthened his commitment to me. Our connection is so real. I lost a lot of married girlfriends over the years that say I’m a homewrecker and I need to get a life and leave this man alone. I believe it is possible to love more than one person so that is why I have been thinking about stepping out on my man and getting a man on the side. I have been with the same guy for 14 years and I know he’s not having sex with his wife but I want to experiment a little with someone new, just in case he is. I meet men all the time but the one I met last week has really got my attention. The first night, he sent me nudes and I was very impressed. I told him I am in a relationship and he said that’s fine for now but I’m going to be his woman one day soon. He is 50 and he’s never been married. I want to get to know him, but he wants to rush right into sex. I feel like I should be honest with my boyfriend and tell him I have met someone. This new guy said I don’t have to tell my married man anything. He said I should have a man all to myself and I’m selling myself short. I’m not like other women that need a man around all of the time, so I was content. The new guy has me thinking… Is there something better out there? Or does he just want sex?

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