The Strawberry Letter: Where Are Your Shoes?

Subject: Where are your shoes?

Dear Steve and Shirley, I’m 40 and my husband is 44 years old. I work from home and my husband is a nurse and he works four days on and four days off. He’s got a part-time job giving COVID tests one day a week. He was working late the other night and I was in our backyard smoking weed and I heard my husband pull into the driveway. I walked around the house to surprise him and I ended up stopping to watch him because he was searching his car for something. He went to his trunk and took his shirt off and put on a tee shirt. I noticed he was not wearing any shoes. He’s usually in Crocs or sneakers to work, but he only had on socks. I appeared out of nowhere and he was startled. I asked where are your shoes and he said they were in his car. It was so chilly that I suggested he put his shoes. He playfully told me to get my tail in the house and leave him alone. We went inside and when he went to the back, I went and popped his trunk to get the shirt he took off. I didn’t find any shoes in the car or the trunk. I put the shirt across the bed and it had a big smudge of makeup on the collar. He gave me a sorry excuse that he helped a woman that had a car wreck. He said he lifted her out the car and that’s how the makeup got on his shirt. Then he said that the lady coughed a lot, so he didn’t know if she had a cold, the flu or Covid, so he left the shirt in his trunk to be safe. But he still had on the pants and they were clean. I asked him again, where are your shoes and he didn’t have an answer. Instead, he got mad and told me that I’m never satisfied and he can never win with me. I’m sick of him not answering basic questions. Why does he react this way?

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