The Strawberry Letter: Talking In His Sleep

Subject: Talking in his sleep

Dear Steve and Shirley, I’m married to a man that overindulges in everything he does. He believes in going big in life. If we’re at dinner, he has to invite all of his friends, male and female. He is a big smoker, too. He loves cigars, pipes, weed and hookah and there’s a female in town that owns the smoke shop so he loves to be a big shot and spend a lot of money with her. He really is a trip and I let him splurge because he runs two successful shops in town. I’m starting to see that I need to set limits on him, for his health and his safety. Healthwise, the smoking has him tired and congested often, so he needs to cut back. As far as his safety is concerned, I am going to hurt him if he does not stop all of this talking in his sleep and mentioning a woman. It started a month ago and it was scary the first night because he shook me and I turned over. His eyes were closed the whole time he was talking to me. He was telling me about a woman named Daphne that doesn’t like his cologne. I started responding, only to realize he was sleep. I went through his phone and didn’t see a Daphne in his contacts or texts, so I let it go. Here lately, he still mentions Daphne. It’s so weird that he’s saying the same name over so I think he’s talking about the owner of the smoke shop and maybe Daphne is her middle name. Whoever Daphne is, she does not like the way he kisses and she doesn’t like his cologne. I believe she might be real, because he is a sloppy, wet kisser. I’ve asked him to seek help for his dreams and sleep talking but he thinks it is because he’s exhausted. I think Daphne may be wearing him out. Does this sound normal to you? Do you think he’s cheating?

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