Subject: He keeps toiletries in his car
Dear Steve and Shirley, I’ve been married for 12 years and I have had a lot of ups and downs with my husband. He loves the ladies and I had to crack down on the time he spent in the streets so he wouldn’t slip up and cheat on me again. He’s cheated before and he swore that was behind him. We went to counseling and he told the therapist that I would never catch him cheating again. I didn’t realize what he had said until recently. He said that I would never catch him… He didn’t say he’d never cheat. I honestly think he’s back to his old tricks, but he thinks he’s slick. I have started riding by his office to see if his car is at work during the day. I check the credit card statements to make sure he’s not using his cards to do anything stupid like he did in the past. His behavior is strange like it was when he was cheating, but I can’t catch him doing anything. I started snooping again because I found toiletries in his car. He’s got the same everything that he has in the bathroom at home. He has soap, deodorant, body spray, and his favorite lotion. He’s got a pair of footies, a tee shirt, and a pair of underwear in a bigger bag that stays in his trunk. I’ve checked it when he wasn’t paying attention and it looks like he hasn’t worn the underwear but he’s used the soap and deodorant. Now, Steve and Shirley, my hubby does not work out so he can’t say he showers at the gym. I have every right to question him right now for having the toiletries in his car, but I want to wait to see if the underwear disappears. He has got to know I’m crazy from how I caught him cheating before. I’m hoping to bust him really good before I leave him. Or should I stop playing games and leave him now since I’ve found the toiletries?