Uncle Steve Explains How Cussing Has Helped His Life

According to a new study, shouting curse words eases your pain. It seems that cussing triggers the body’s natural fight-or-flight response to stress, which in turn, helps to alleviate pain. Researchers were so impressed with how much cussing works, they suggest doing it during medical treatments. As psychology professor, Dr. Richard Stephens explained, “Swearing is drug-free, calorie-free, cost-free, and side effects-free, so why not try it?”

Uncle Steve couldn't agree more. He said, "It ease pain and cause pain. It do both." He went on to say, "It has been such an integral part of my life, that's why I don't have high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers - because I don't have backup in me. See, I release stuff."

The crew then went on to have a cussing session to 'relieve' themselves. Uncle Steve explained that sometimes you can add adjectives with cussing to make it better.

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