The Strawberry Letter: He's In A Situationship with His Wife

Subject: He’s in a situationship with his wife

Dear Steve and Shirley, I am a 36-year-old single woman and I’m dating a man that has been separated from his wife for 4 years, but they are not divorced. He lives in their family home and she’s moved out. I asked him why his wife was the one to move out of their home and he said because she cheated on him and ended up moving in with that guy. I was afraid to sleepover at the house for the first few months, but he assured me that his marriage was over. I eventually got a key to the house and then he gave me my own drawer for my pajamas and a few personal things so I could stay over. I assumed we were in a real relationship and I trusted him. For MLK holiday weekend, he had a house party and I got to meet a lot of his friends. I found out near the end of the night that his wife was there when one of his male friends joked about how cool it is for me and the wife to be at the same party. I asked my man where his wife was and he said she was lying down in their guestroom because she had too much to drink. I went in to check and sure enough, there she was. I spent the night to make sure no funny business happened and it turned out to be the best and worst night of my life. My boyfriend and I were asleep and his wife came and got in the bed with us. She had showered and she was smelling like lavender, with buttery smooth skin. She started in on me first, and granted, we had all had too much to drink, but I knew what I was doing. My boyfriend handled both of us like a pro. I’d never experienced such pleasure. It’s happened twice since then but now I want him all to myself. He said he and his wife have a situationship, but he loves me. Is our relationship ruined now?

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