We recently talked about the Tristan Thompson and Khloé Kardashian cheating love baby scandal and Tristan apologized for his infidelity. We all know that Khloe is not the only woman dealing with a cheater, we found a list of some of the most common reasons women stay with cheaters, and let’s see if you agree or is it true once a cheater is always a cheater? Ok, here we go:
-Love will conquer all: Love can make you do crazy things, even stay with a man who’s cheated on you. Some women simply say, “I believe in forgiveness, and I love him”
- Women don’t like to fail at love: Women will try to work at the relationship and save it no matter how high the stakes are. You feel you have invested time, money, and energy in your relationship, and do not want to feel like a failure
-Low self-esteem: Women, who have low self-confidence and worth, devalue themselves. These women don’t love themselves enough to make better decisions in their lives
-He’s my “baby daddy”: He is the father of my child(ren). Women don’t want to be the bad one who breaks up their family
-Because he is capable of change: - I stayed because I love him.
Listen to what Uncle Steve and the crew had to add to this list below!