The Strawberry Letter: I'm The Man of This House

Subject: I’m the man of this house

Dear Steve and Shirley, I’m 35 and my husband is 42 years old. I met him at a gas station 3 years ago and he had a cast on his leg and he was trying to pump gas. I saw he was struggling, so I went to assist him. We stood and talked for a few minutes and then he asked me out. The rest is history. We moved in together a year or so later and that’s when I realized that I fell in love with a soft man that is fine with a woman leading him. He had knee replacement surgery right after I moved in, so I was his live-in nurse. I waited on him daily and continued to work 10-12 hours a day from home. I also cooked because he doesn’t like to eat out or order take-out and I even learned how to cut grass on a riding lawnmower. He’s got a huge front yard and backyard and he doesn’t want to pay a yard crew to do his grass weekly. He’s had a brace on his leg for over 2 years and he’s milking this injury. I’ve tried to go to doctor’s visits with him, but now with Covid, I can’t. Because of the brace, I have had to assume all of his household duties, like taking out the trash, washing his clothes and overseeing the upkeep of his home while he sits in his recliner. We had a leak in our kitchen and I had to hire a plumber and walk around with him while he assessed the damage. My husband told the plumber I was in charge and he sat back down in his recliner. Now he’s wanting to have a baby and I asked if I was supposed to get myself pregnant since I’m the man of the house. He got mad and jumped out of his recliner and he’s claiming he re-injured his knee. I’m tired of wearing the pants and letting him use me as a handmaid. I’ve told him it’s time for him to be a real man. Should I leave him in his recliner and bounce?

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