Uncle Steve's Advice To First-Time Parents

There's been a Facebook post circulating around the internet, where a mother of three explains what she wishes she knew before having kids. The woman says, "I have three kids and there’s a lot I thought I knew, but had no idea, about having kids. If I could tell my younger self one thing about having kids I’d say that you’re going to have to learn how to do some serious scheduling. It’s all about working on their schedule, not yours."

So, Shirley asked the guys what advice do they give their friends who are about to have kids?

Of course, we're dealing with comedians, so the first piece of advice Unc had was comical. However, in the end, he says something that's really true: you'll never have your own life again. As a parent, your life will revolve around your children's lives even after they are adults. It takes a lot to become a parent and you're not always going to be perfect, but you have to do your best.

What advice would you give your friends? Comment below!

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