Happy Labor Day: 10 Quotes About Success From Uncle Steve

This morning on the show, Uncle Steve talked about not only praying to God for success - but actually doing the work. The 'work' may come in different forms depending on your lifestyle. But, as the famous quote says, 'Nothing comes to a sleeper, but a dream.'

Here are 10 quotes from Uncle Steve to get you motivated about success.

1.“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”

2. “When you aren't sowing into the soil of the universe, you notice that things in your life just seem to dry up and get worse. But when you sow back into the universe with your time, your passion, and your commitment to others, the world will offer abundant opportunities for you to blossom into the new you.”

3.“So many people are missing their way in life because they are afraid to sign the lease on their gift.”

4.“You have to learn to convince yourself that the possibility is greater than the inevitability of doing nothing. Listen,”

5.“Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself in a lesser position so that you can learn something from someone who knows more.”

6.“Sit up, speak with boldness about what you know, and add value that would be absent from the table if you remained silent. Take your opportunity to add your unique talents and skills to the mix.”

7.“Change comes in every person’s life. You can either react to it or you can participate in it.”

8. “The next home-going service at your church could be yours. And the most important thing on that day won’t be the amount of flowers that surround your casket or how well the choir sings your favorite hymn. The only thing that will matter is how well you use that dash between the day you were born and the day you die.”

9.“Warren Buffett said that he would not invest in any business where the owner hasn’t failed at least twice. I love that truly wealthy and successful people understand that failure is part of the process.”

10 “If you do what you’ve always done, your life will not get better.”

Happy Monday, family! Now go out there and seize what's yours!

*You can find these quotes in Uncle Steve's book "Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success: Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life's Riches"

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