Listen to These Shocking Career Choices By SHMS Crew

It's a great morning and while we're always happy to hear the voices of The Baddest Show in the Land, we can't help but wonder what would life be like without The Steve Harvey Morning Show? As a matter of fact, where would our hosts be?

Uncle Steve gave everyone an opportunity to explain what career paths they would've taken. The professional route was obvious for Carla Ferrell, who's love for media would've had her in television. Meanwhile, Junior would've stayed in the spotlight as an NFL running back.

Of course, Fool #1 and #2 said they most definitely would've taken a more "mature" route. Without hesitation, J. Anthony Brown would still be in entertainment, as well, but behind-the-scene as a cameraman...for porn. Nephew Tommy was also proud to bring sexy back as a Chippendale dancer. Let that image sink in.

Listen below for yourself and hear Shirley Strawberry hit nothing but sour notes to showcase her lost dream as a professional singer.

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