Steve Harvey Talks Taking The Good With The Bad

God places promises on our hearts and if we're in tune, we can see His vision. If we're "smart" enough, we pursue them. However, at the same token, we can't determine the obstacles that are going to be thrown our way during our pursuit(s).

In this installment of Daily Inspiration, Steve talks about what it means to take the good with the bad and admits, "If somebody had of told me, everything that was gonna to have to happen in order for me to to get [where I am], I would have changed it." 

It takes a lot of grit to be successful. Successful in the sense of pursuing your wildest dreams. Sometimes we get blindsided by obstacles because "no one knows the challenges, the pitfalls and the detours that's going to beset them. It's [just] imperative that you...don't give up."

Take a listen as Unc explains how even the bad things that take place in your life are happening for your greater good.

Look at a setback as a setup for your comeback!

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